Faubourg Bakery

Address: 2156 W 41st Ave, Vancouver, BC V6M 1Z1
Phone:(604) 266-2156
Hours: Tuesday hours 7:00 am–7:00 pm

可以單點也可以點high tea
蠻好吃的!尤其是那個 Tri-Chocolate Decadent 真的很不賴喔.
但是那個Lemon tart 我覺得有點噁心
生蛋的味道蓋過檸檬  吃了一口後那個味道一直留在嘴裡 >///<
我們點了兩個薰衣草伯爵茶馬卡龍 ,不錯 不輸給Bel cafe 
(太久沒有updated 了整個忘記看價錢+另外草莓點心的名子,下次改進)

Tri-Chocolate Decadent

Individual Lemon Tart

We visited Faubourg (fau·bourg  [foh-boor, -boorg; French foh-boor]) on a rainy day, and the idea of a nice afternoon tea with some desserts seems comforting.

Danny always had a habit of trying the Lemon tart dessert no matter where I go, so that was a no brainer for him. Betty chose the Tri-chocolate decadent, while big momma Juang ordered the "Pick of the month".
We also ordered a couple of Early Grey lavender macaroons on the side.

For tea, we had the Rouge Bourbon and a London Fog.
Faubourg was a tough place to rate. I feel like some of the items were great while the others left much to be desired.

The Tri-chocolate decadent was excellent. The taste and texture had many dimensions to it. The outer layer was milk chocolate that chipped  as you dug into it. Past the first outer shell was a layer of white chocolate mousse. The middle layer was milk chocolate mousse while the bottom was dark chocolate mousse. At the very base, I couldn't properly guess what it was. It seemed like a soggy foundation cake. The mousse layers were slightly too sweet, but still very acceptable.

Asides from the bottom layer and being slightly too sweet, the Tri-chocolate decadent was my favorite.

The Pick of the month seemed to be layered outside by mini lady fingers while the inside was strawberries with jam and a custard. It was fairly good, as the different textures were...for the lack of a better description, fun to eat.

The lemon tart was definitely not what I had in mind. The lemon custard's taste was completely overpowered by the taste of raw eggs. The tart was plain and somewhat hard. Below the custard was  whipped egg white froth.
The raw egg taste was something I couldn't take. After about 2 small bites I gave up on it.

The Earl Grey Macaroons were delicious. They weren't too sweet, and the flavour of the earl grey was very distinct to me while the lavender flavour was more distinct to Betty. Texture was just how a macaroon should be. Smooth outside layer with a soft and chewy second layer and somewhat firm but chewy ganache. Good!

The Rouge Bourbon tea was a vanilla red tea. The scent was nice, however the taste didn't have much of a presence.

Big momma Juang felt that the London fog didn't stand out at all and didn't say much about it.

Overall, the macaroons, the tri-chocolate decadent and the strawberry ladyfinger desserts were great, while everything else was lackluster.

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